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The correct choice of garden irrigation system is the guarantee of a good harvest


For a specific culture, the amount of water is not only […]

For a specific culture, the amount of water is not only sufficient, but also optimal. The amount of water is an important factor for the successful cultivation and production of large amounts of agricultural products. Different watering systems for the garden meet different requirements. When choosing, it is necessary to give priority to variants that require less cost and meet all requirements.

Irrigation method
Water droplets-Through the organization of this garden system, water is transported directly to the roots of plants through small holes in hoses buried in the soil.
Spraying-Plant irrigation is carried out from above with hoses or pipes with spray. When pressure appears, start to spray water droplets or fine dust.
Underground-Typically, the method is applied to large areas of gardens and vegetable gardens, while in a specific pattern of soil, the level is deeper with hoses, polypropylene or metal pipes, where water is subsequently provided.
Surface-the most common method, the most commonly used method is to water between strips, grooves or ridges, not often-selective or continuous watering.
Types of garden irrigation systems
No automation is used.

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